


Just like we adjust our indoor air temperature based on the season, it is also important to be mindful of indoor 潮湿的ity levels and to make adjustments when needed.


Indoor 潮湿的ity levels are an important aspect of both comfort and air quality.


一些增湿器, 除湿机, and whole-home 潮湿的ification systems will ask you to set a 潮湿的ification level. 如果您看到这个提示, 他们问的是相对湿度(RH), which is the percentage of moisture in the air compared to the maximum possible amount of moisture that the air can hold.

对你的家来说,正确的设定值是不同的, and it depends on a combination of factors like the outside temperature, 你家里的表面温度, 以及你家的隔热和密封程度. 考虑到各种各样的因素, it is important to be especially careful when you increase the 潮湿的ity levels in your home. 一般来说, homes that are well insulated and air sealed and have proper ventilation have fewer 潮湿的ity issues.  

Our bodies are most comfortable between 40 and 60 percent relative 潮湿的ity. Avoid 潮湿的ity levels above 60 percent RH in the summer to prevent mold and bacterial growth. In the winter, our homes often need a lower RH than in the summer. 当外面非常冷的时候, 40 percent RH may still lead to problematic condensation on windows and wall surfaces. If you are adding 潮湿的 air to your home and see evidence of condensation, 一定要降低RH水平. 了解更多靠谱的外围竞猜app管理室内湿度在冬天,下面.

Use the following table as a general guide to recommended relative 潮湿的ity levels in winter.

室外温度为(℃). F): 相对湿度应为:
20 to 40 < 40%
10 to 20 < 35%
0 to 10 < 30%
-10 to 0 < 25%
-20 to -10 < 20%
-20或以下 < 15%



当湿气凝结并粘在窗户等表面时, 尤其是墙壁, 水会损坏建筑材料, 霉菌很容易在这些受损的表面生长. Mold growth creates unhealthy indoor air and repair work can be expensive; therefore, avoiding high 潮湿的ity levels is important for both your health and the durability of your home.


Most Minnesotans notice that the outside air is very dry during the winter months. This dry air makes its way into buildings and lowers the indoor 潮湿的ity, resulting in everything from dry skin to shrinking of wood doors and furniture.
If your home feels dry in the winter, consider using a 潮湿的ifier to add moisture to the air. This should be done carefully by only running the 潮湿的ifier for short periods of time and should be set to low RH levels between 30 to 40 percent. Generally CEE’s energy auditors recommend individual 潮湿的ifiers over whole-home 潮湿的ifiers. 家用加湿器很容易被遗忘, and it is easier to rapidly add too much moisture to your home, 哪些容易导致有害的潮湿问题.
Higher than natural 潮湿的ity levels in the winter can lead to moisture condensing on cold surfaces like windows or exterior walls. If you start to see evidence of consistent moisture build-up on your windows or walls, 这意味着空气中有太多的水分. It is important that you turn off your 潮湿的ifier and lower your RH set point before turning it back on.


 If you are not using a 潮湿的ifier in the winter but still have consistent condensation, it may be because of inefficient windows or under-insulated walls. 为了解决这个问题,绝缘和空气密封这些区域.
绝缘, 空气密封, and properly ventilating your home will help maintain proper 潮湿的ity levels. More insulation raises 你家里的表面温度 so that moisture isn’t able to cool and condense. Air sealing and adding a ventilation system gives you the element of control necessary to maintain more consistent 潮湿的ity levels throughout the year. Additionally, these projects can help you use less energy and lower your utility bills. When CEE’s energy auditors visit homes in the winter and observe condensation build up, the solution generally revolves around properly 空气密封 and insulating the home. 类似的, 如果家里感觉干燥, it is an indicator that the home has a lot of air leakage and would again benefit from proper 空气密封 and insulation.


 In addition to being hot, Minnesotan summers are also very 潮湿的. That outdoor 潮湿的ity naturally increases the 潮湿的ity levels inside our homes too.
The most effective way to reduce 潮湿的ity is to use air conditioning. Air conditioners are effective because of their ability to remove moisture from the air in addition to lowering the temperature.


 While air conditioners do a lot to make above-ground living spaces comfortable and less 潮湿的, 在地下室,除湿机可以提供额外的帮助. Humid weather can make the air in the basement feel stale and smell damp due to the cooler basement temperatures and high 潮湿的ity levels. Most de潮湿的ifier models need to have their water container emptied periodically or piped directly to a drain.

A basement de潮湿的ifier should be set to 50 percent RH to prevent bacterial growth, 如果还是太潮湿的感觉, 降低相对湿度.
如果你要买一台新的除湿机, purchase one that is ENERGY STAR® rated and has an Energy Factor (efficiency rating) of at least 2.0. The higher the EF rating, the more efficient the appliance will be.




When buying a de潮湿的ifier make sure it is an ENERGY STAR rated model.

Field Study Of Standalone De潮湿的ification Efficiency Opportunities
A CEE field study looks into managing basement 潮湿的ity levels efficiently..

A blog that covers more details on dealing with moisture and 潮湿的ity in your home.





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